
why some books remain unread

January 7, 2010

Beth Carswell on the top ten reasons why books remain unread

7: the siren call of the bargain bin

When we’re standing right there, and a book costs $2, and it has a UKRAINIAN SPY with an OMINOUS MOUSTACHE, and a TORRID LOVE RHOMBUS and a SUSPICIOUS DASCHUND in it, it’s difficult to not grab it on the spot – after all, it’s cheaper than a fancy coffee. And oh man – suspicious daschund. Good times guaranteed. Even the covers tempt me. A woman in a silver leotard, draped unconscious in the arms of a swarthy astronaut, while the rings of Saturn loom behind? How can it NOT be good? And such a steal! But when you do this a lot – and Lord, I do this a lot – it’s amazing how quickly they build up, and sit there, judging you, accusing you, when you walk down the hall.

Read the rest.

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